TL-MR3220 3G/3.75G Wireless N 150 Mbps Router

con molta pazienza puoi provare il software usb sniffer per CREARE i file bin…

trovi il link nel topic del mr3420
C’è anche qui, nel primo messaggio della discussione.
Se hai rimesso lo stesso firmware e non hai aggiunto prolunghe USB la chiavetta deve rifunzionare …
ops, ho dato per scontato non ci fosse visto che non l’aveva nominato 😃
ho un 3420, collegato con chiavetta tin MDC835, sempre on line, il mio problema è che a volte cade la linea, e logicamente alla riconnessione cambia ip, esiste un sistema per far si che il suo ip risulti statico, in quanto dyndns spesso mi blocca host a cui sono collegato.
grazie mille
no, dipende dal provider.
prova 😉
ciao a tutti mi sono appena iscritto, provo a sottoporvi il problema visto che l’assistenza non mi risponde
TL-MR3220, il router vede correttamente la chiave 3g ONDA MT191UP, anche se non è ufficialmente nell’elenco delle chiavi supportate,
mi da anche l’intensità del segnale, ma al momento della connessione non riesce mai a collegarsi,
chiaramente la stessa chiave attaccata a un pc, un mac o un ubuntu funziona benissimo
operatore tim
avete qualche suggerimento?
il router è aggiornato all’ultimo firmware
grazie a chi mi risponderà
accendi il router con la chiavetta inserita… aspetta qualche minuto… collegati all’interfaccia del router, prova a connetterti un paio di volte, poi vai su System Tools->System Log, e copialo qui, magari c’è qualche informazione utile.

hai già disabilitato il PIN?
si il pin non c’è, stasera mi copio il log
intanto grazie
vi posto un log di ieri

TL-MR3220 System Log
Time = 2000-01-01 0:06:46 407s
H-Ver = MR3220 v1 00000000 : S-Ver = 3.12.8 Build 110418 Rel.43954n
L = : M =
W1 = DHCP : W = : M = : G =

1st day 00:00:04 OTHER INFO System started
1st day 00:00:08 DHCP NOTICE DHCP server started
1st day 00:00:08 SECURITY INFO PPTP Passthrough enabled
1st day 00:00:08 SECURITY INFO L2TP Passthrough enabled
1st day 00:00:08 SECURITY INFO IPSEC Passthrough enabled
1st day 00:00:08 SECURITY INFO FTP ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:08 SECURITY INFO TFTP ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:08 SECURITY INFO H323 ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:09 SECURITY INFO RTSP ALG enabled
1st day 00:00:29 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 00:24:81:3D:05:19
1st day 00:00:29 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:00:29 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:00:31 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Send ACK to
1st day 00:00:35 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv INFORM from 00:24:81:3D:05:19
1st day 00:00:40 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:00:53 3G INFO Switch modem mode with the 0 command in the file usb_modeswitch.conf
1st day 00:00:54 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:01:06 3G INFO Switch modem mode with the 1 command in the file usb_modeswitch.conf
1st day 00:01:14 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x0037
1st day 00:01:15 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x0037
1st day 00:01:22 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 00:21:00:7F:67:BA
1st day 00:01:23 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Send ACK to
1st day 00:01:27 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv INFORM from 00:21:00:7F:67:BA
1st day 00:02:00 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv INFORM from 00:24:81:3D:05:19
1st day 00:02:02 3G INFO Main interface_index[0] = -1
1st day 00:02:02 3G INFO Vice interface_index[1] = 1
1st day 00:02:02 3G INFO Vice interface_index[2] = 3
1st day 00:02:02 3G INFO Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -f “chat -S -V -f /tmp/script” > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
1st day 00:02:04 3G INFO Line 944: ATZ
1st day 00:02:04 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:02:04 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CGMM
1st day 00:02:04 3G INFO Line 953: MT191UP
1st day 00:02:04 3G INFO getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
1st day 00:02:04 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 140 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
1st day 00:02:04 3G INFO Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -f “chat -S -V -f /tmp/script” > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: ATZ
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CSQ
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 978: +CSQ: 7,99
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CGMR
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: MT191UP.TIM.FW.B05
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: OK^M
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: Serial connection established.
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line 944: Serial link disconnected.
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 155 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
1st day 00:02:07 3G INFO Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -f “chat -S -V -f /tmp/script” > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: ATZ
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CPIN?
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 1024: +CPIN: READY
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CGMR
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: MT191UP.TIM.FW.B05
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: OK^M
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: Serial connection established.
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO Line 944: Serial link disconnected.
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 170 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 185 Return chip type = 1
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x0037
1st day 00:02:09 3G INFO USB modem is ready
1st day 00:02:10 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:02:10 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB1 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:02:13 OTHER WARNING Username and password are successfully updated
1st day 00:02:14 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:17 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:20 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:23 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:26 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:29 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:32 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:35 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:38 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:39 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 00:21:00:7F:67:BA
1st day 00:02:39 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Send ACK to
1st day 00:02:41 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x410d0e8]
1st day 00:02:44 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:02:44 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB3 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:02:44 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv INFORM from 00:21:00:7F:67:BA
1st day 00:02:47 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:02:47 3G NOTICE 3G Modem connecting error, please check the dial number and APN.
1st day 00:02:49 3G INFO mobileCmdReq 310 mobileFormatCmd error
1st day 00:02:50 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:02:50 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB1 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:02:59 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:02:59 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB3 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:03:02 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:03:02 3G NOTICE Modem switchs failed, reset the 3G modem, please wait.
1st day 00:03:04 3G INFO mobileCmdReq 310 mobileFormatCmd error
1st day 00:03:11 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:03:11 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:03:22 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:03:22 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv INFORM from 00:24:81:3D:05:19
1st day 00:03:36 3G INFO Switch modem mode with the 0 command in the file usb_modeswitch.conf
1st day 00:03:38 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:03:49 3G INFO Switch modem mode with the 1 command in the file usb_modeswitch.conf
1st day 00:03:57 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x0037
1st day 00:03:57 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv INFORM from 00:21:00:7F:67:BA
1st day 00:03:58 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x0037
1st day 00:04:45 3G INFO Main interface_index[0] = -1
1st day 00:04:45 3G INFO Vice interface_index[1] = 1
1st day 00:04:45 3G INFO Vice interface_index[2] = 3
1st day 00:04:45 3G INFO Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -f “chat -S -V -f /tmp/script” > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
1st day 00:04:47 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 00:21:00:7F:67:BA
1st day 00:04:47 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Send ACK to
1st day 00:04:47 3G INFO Line 944: ATZ
1st day 00:04:47 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:04:47 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CGMM
1st day 00:04:47 3G INFO Line 953: MT191UP
1st day 00:04:47 3G INFO getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
1st day 00:04:47 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 140 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
1st day 00:04:47 3G INFO Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -f “chat -S -V -f /tmp/script” > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: ATZ
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CSQ
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 978: +CSQ: 8,99
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CGMR
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: MT191UP.TIM.FW.B05
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: OK^M
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: Serial connection established.
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line 944: Serial link disconnected.
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 155 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
1st day 00:04:50 3G INFO Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB1 -f “chat -S -V -f /tmp/script” > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
1st day 00:04:50 DHCP NOTICE DHCPS:Recv INFORM from 00:21:00:7F:67:BA
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: ATZ
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CPIN?
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 1024: +CPIN: READY
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: OK
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: AT+CGMR
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: MT191UP.TIM.FW.B05
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944:
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: OK^M
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: Serial connection established.
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Line 944: Serial link disconnected.
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 170 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO get_modem_info_file 185 Return chip type = 1
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x0037
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO USB modem is ready
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:04:52 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB1 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:04:56 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:04:59 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:02 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:05 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:08 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:11 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:14 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:17 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:20 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:23 PPP INFO sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0xef235b1]
1st day 00:05:26 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:05:26 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB3 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:05:30 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:05:30 3G NOTICE 3G Modem connecting error, please check the dial number and APN.
1st day 00:05:32 3G INFO mobileCmdReq 310 mobileFormatCmd error
1st day 00:05:33 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:05:33 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB1 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:05:42 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:05:42 3G INFO Run 3G dial cmd: pppd /dev/ttyUSB3 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/conn-s
1st day 00:05:57 3G INFO mobileGenCfgFile 112 Get chip type: 1
1st day 00:05:57 3G NOTICE Modem switchs failed, reset the 3G modem, please wait.
1st day 00:05:59 3G INFO mobileCmdReq 310 mobileFormatCmd error
1st day 00:06:07 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:06:07 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:06:18 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:06:31 3G INFO Switch modem mode with the 0 command in the file usb_modeswitch.conf
1st day 00:06:33 3G INFO 3G Modem vendorID: 0x19d2; productID: 0x2000
1st day 00:06:44 3G INFO Switch modem mode with the 1 command in the file usb_modeswitch.conf
guarda, dal product id salta fuori che è uguale alla MT503HSA, per la quale trovi un file bin da installare nel router:

a te NON apparirà Unknown modem come nella guida… quindi per caricarlo dovrai andare su Network->3G->Modem Settings->Add New
che occhio stasera provo
non funziona, continua a vederla comunque come onda mt191up, a dare il segnale ma a non connettersi
1st day 00:02:47 3G NOTICE 3G Modem connecting error, please check the dial number and APN.

questi li hai già verificati immagino?

non so cos’altro provare, se non l’usb sniffer che trovi nel primo post

è un procedimento lungo e noioso, non dovrebbe proprio servire su una chiavetta dichiarata come supportata
mi piacerebbe scaricarlo ma mi da sempore errore 503 the server is busy, se qualcuno ce l’ha e può darmelo gliene sarei grato
Un saluto a tutti gli utenti del forum, sono un un nuovo iscritto e vorrei avere un aiuto.
Un paio di giorni fa ho acquistato il 3G router TL-MR3220. Sull’etichetta sottostante risulta essere Ver. 1.2.
Veniamo al problema: Non riesco a farlo funzionare. Ho 2 diverse internet Key la prima è una ZTE K3765Z brand vodafone, la seconda è HUAWEI E220 vodafone (sbrandizzata con firmware Huawei). Ho letto nei vari elenchi disponibili e si tratta di usb key che dovrebbero essere normalmente gestite dal router, in particolare la K3765k non è mai stata riconosciuta la huawei in un primo momento è stata riconosciuta ma mai connessa. Dopo aver resettato lo stesso router la situazione attuale è che nessuna delle due viene riconosciuta. Cosa ne pensate? Vi ringrazio sin da ora per l’aiuto.
hai aggiornato il firmware?

mi raccomando leggi bene le istruzioni che trovi nell’archivio…
salve a tutti
il mio problema è molto semplice ho ho un ruter tl-mr3220 e una internet key della wind onda mw503hsa che non viene riconoscuta da ruter
ho gia provato da aggiornalo all’ultimo firmware niente poi ho provato con il file bin. del modem + di uno ma niente non so + che fare
Il file .bin l’hai scricato da qui?

Posta usando il tasto codice il log del router (System log).
occhio che il .bin è per la MT503HSA 😉
Il file .bin l’ho scricato da qui
ho scaricato il primo della lista anche se riportava la scritta tim
Alto Basso