TL-MR3420 & Huawei E173


Nuovo membro

I hope someone here can speak English!

I have a Hauwei 173, and it is connected to the TP-LINK TL-MR3420

Unfortunately, every time I reboot, for the first few of minutes, the 3G USB Modem status keeps saying: “unplugged”, “identifying”, or “3g modem”. If the modem does connect to the internet during this time, it disconnects straight away, and then says either “unplugged” or “identifying” again. Finally after a few minutes have passed, the 3G USB Modem status says “E173” and it connects to the internet, and stays connected (for now anyway?).

I have tried uploading the BIN file for the E173, but it doesn’t make any difference.

Can you help?

Here is the log file:
ndex	Time	Type	Level	Log Content
185	1st day 00:03:08	 3G	NOTICE	3G connected
184	1st day 00:03:00	 3G	INFO	USB modem is ready
183	1st day 00:03:00	 3G	INFO	3G Modem vendorID: 0x12d1; productID: 0x1c05
182	 1st day 00:03:00	3G	 INFO	Get modem info: minfo.modemChipType = 1, modemName = E173, modemSignalQua=-1, minfo.simLock = 5
181	 1st day 00:03:00	3G	 INFO	get_modem_info_file 185 Return chip type = 1
180	 1st day 00:03:00	3G	 INFO	get_modem_info_file 170 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
179	 1st day 00:03:00	3G	 INFO	getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
178	 1st day 00:02:59	3G	 INFO	Line 944: Serial link disconnected.
177	 1st day 00:02:59	3G	 INFO	Line 944: tcsetattr: Invalid argument (line 252)
176	 1st day 00:02:58	3G	 INFO	Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -f "chat -S -V -f /tmp/script" > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
175	 1st day 00:02:58	3G	 INFO	get_modem_info_file 155 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
174	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -f "chat -S -V -f /tmp/script" > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
173	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	get_modem_info_file 140 getModemParamByScript return valid type = 1
172	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	getModemParamByScript 1099 Chip type = 1
171	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 953: E173
170	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 944: AT+CGMM
169	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 944: OK
168	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 944: ATZ
167	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 944: DSFLOWRPT:00000002,00000000,00000000,0000000000000000,0000000000000000,1FF2A000,1FF2A000
166	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 944:
165	1st day 00:02:57	 3G	INFO	Line 944: OK
164	1st day 00:02:57	 3G	INFO	Line 944:
163	1st day 00:02:57	 3G	INFO	Line 944:
162	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 944: AT+CGMR
161	 1st day 00:02:57	3G	 INFO	Line 944:
160	1st day 00:02:56	 3G	INFO	Line:926 cmd: modem_scan -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -f "chat -S -V -f /tmp/script" > /tmp/modem_info 2>&1^M
159	 1st day 00:02:56	3G	 INFO	Vice interface_index[1] = 2
158	 1st day 00:02:56	3G	 INFO	Main interface_index[0] = 0
157	 1st day 00:02:54	PPP	 INFO	rcvd [IPCP Ack addr= dns1= dns3=]
156	 1st day 00:02:54	PPP	 INFO	sent [IPCP Req addr= dns1= dns3=]

Time = 2000-01-01 0:17:39 1060s
H-Ver = MR3420 v1 00000000 : S-Ver = 3.12.8 Build 110418 Rel.43954n
L = : M =
3G : 3G = : M = : G =
also… sometimes after rebooting, my Huawei E173 is recognised by the router as: “3G USB Modem: AT+CGMR”
What version of TL-MR3420 do you have…?

My be you can try to upgrade or downgrade you firmware…

I know the last firmware TL-MR3420_v1_110617 have more
problems of the previous one TL-MR3420_v1_110418.

Bye Bye :rolleyes:

I hope someone here can speak English!

I have a Hauwei 173, and it is connected to the TP-LINK TL-MR3420

Unfortunately, every time I reboot, for the first few of minutes, the 3G USB Modem status keeps saying: “unplugged”, “identifying”, or “3g modem”. If the modem does connect to the internet during this time, it disconnects straight away, and then says either “unplugged” or “identifying” again. Finally after a few minutes have passed, the 3G USB Modem status says “E173” and it connects to the internet, and stays connected (for now anyway?).

I have tried uploading the BIN file for the E173, but it doesn’t make any difference.

Can you help?
if the E173 is recognized (even if in fits and starts), the bin file you do not do any good…
have you tried to put the firmware “TL-MR3420_v1_110418” following the instructions carefully?
which phone company you use?
Thanks for your replies.

The version is TL-MR3420 version 1, and the firmware is: TL-MR3420_v1_110418. The telephone provider is: Vivo (Brazil).

An update:

I have just returned from holiday for a few days, and the router is still online, so that is good! On the router status page, it currently says “3G USB Modem: E173”.

Sometimes the 3G USB Modem status says: “AT+CGMR” or “3G Modem”.

I am worried that the next time the router will need to be rebooted, maybe the router will recognise my E173 incorrectly as: “3G Modem” or “AT+CGMR”, and then because of this, the internet will not stay connected long.

If the 3G Modem Status on the router webpage does not say “E173”, but instead, the router incorrectly recognises the E173 as “3G Modem” or “AT+CGMR”, Does this mean the router is more likely to disconnect afterwards?

It looks like, a few days ago, the router suddenly stopped working, and the wireless network disappeared, and there were no lights on the E173. I had to reboot the router. I am not sure what the 3G Modem Status was when this happened, but I think it said “3G Modem”, so it was not recognising correctly my E173.

The reason I am worried about this, is because the router is here in my family’s house. Soon I will be leaving this house and will be returning to the UK, and I need to make sure that when I leave, the router will be working correctly, as no-one living here will know what to do if it stops working.

Maybe I should try rebooting the router again for a test, to see how long it stays connected when the 3G USB Modem status says “USB Modem” or “AT+CGMR”, as it is quite likely that there will be some times in the future (after I have left) that this is what the status will be (after the router is rebooted etc).

Any advice welcome…
second update:

I have found another firmware: TL-MR3420_v1_110617.

I have only been testing it for about 5 minutes tonight, but it seems to work much better, and the router recognises the E173 about a minute after reboot. I have tried rebooting the router a few times, and each time it has correctly recognised the E173.

I hope that this firmware will be reliable and the router stays online, and connected to the internet.

For some reason, this firmware has been removed from the website.

Does anyone know the reason for this?

I read somewhere that some people were having a lot of problems with this firmware. Maybe, because of this, TP-Link decided to remove it from there website?

The latest firmware on the website for the TL-MR3420 is: TL-MR3420_V1_110418. I was using this firmware before, and (as I wrote about in my previous posts), it has great difficulties recognising the E173.
In my opinion, if you feel comfortable co-MR3420_v1_110617 firmware TL, is the case of using it … I’ve used a lot and I do not have big problems ever since!
In my opinion, if you feel comfortable co-MR3420_v1_110617 firmware TL, is the case of using it … I’ve used a lot and I do not have big problems ever since!
yeh, I agree. this firmware seems to be working ok for me at the moment. I have just looked at the label on my MR3420 box, and realised that I actually have hardware version 1.2, not 1.0, as I previously thought.
Salve a tutti ragazzi,
ho acquistato ieri l’accoppiata TL-MR3420 & Huawei E173 e sono molto felice perchè funziona tutto e bene.
Vorrei chiedervi se qualcuno ha riscontrato il mio stesso problema: in pratica se spengo il router e lo riaccendo (con la chiavetta inserita) e poi mi collego ad internet dopo un po internet non funziona piu e non riesco a collegarmi all’IP del Router.

Se invece la chiavetta la collego successivamente al riavvio del router, tutto fila liscio, sapete come ovviare a questo inconveniente e se qualcuno lo ha riscontrato?

P.S. La chiavetta viene riconosciuta perfettamente ed il segnale è buono (74%) perchè abito a 300 metri da un ponte 3
che versione di FW hai provato?
Ciao Nebbia, il router non l’ho toccato il firmware è quello suo, come torno a casa ti dico quale c’è montato.

che versione di FW hai provato?
Ciao Nebbia ecco il fw, scusa il ritardo:

Firmware Version:
3.12.8 Build 110125 Rel.43954n
Hardware Version:
MR3420 v1 00000000
allora proverei ad aggiornarlo con l’ultimo che trovi qui intanto:

mi raccomando leggi bene le istruzioni allegate al Firmware, scollegati da internet, collegati via cavo solo al router, DISATTIVA il WiFi, usa Internet Explorer, resettalo prima e dopo 😉
Ciao Nebbia ho aggiornato con successo il fw ma ahime il problema non e stato risolto, anzi adesso da qualche problema pure inseremdo successivamente la chiavetta

allora proverei ad aggiornarlo con l’ultimo che trovi qui intanto:

mi raccomando leggi bene le istruzioni allegate al Firmware, scollegati da internet, collegati via cavo solo al router, DISATTIVA il WiFi, usa Internet Explorer, resettalo prima e dopo 😉

l’unica altra opzione è tentare con il firmware di giugno, altrimenti c’è solo da pregare che esca presto il prossimo FW…

Ciao, al momento sono tornato al FW che avevo prima ma i problemi sono rimasti, anzi, adesso me la riconosce come E173, ma al secondo refresh mi diventa “3G USB MODEM”

La connessione sembra avvenire correttamente però…

Mi semrba di aver letto che l’autorun della chiavetta potrebbe creare problemi, ti risulta?Sai come posso disattivarlo?

Grazie per la disponibilità
il cambio nome non è un problema se poi si connette ed è stabile!

per disattivare CD e SD:

non mi assumo nessuna responsabilità, se sbagli qualche comando AT puoi pure “brickare” la chiavetta…
Alto Basso