Tplink 3420 + tplink ma260 conflitto wifi


Nuovo membro
Ho un tplink 3420 vers 2.2 con software aggiornato del 03/14 + chiavetta tplink ma260 con scheda 3 + ipad. Tutto ha funzionato correttamente per 5 mesi, mai problemi. Da un mese a questa parte spesso la chiavetta nel router vedo che non ha più segnale e quindi pur essendo collegato in wifi non riesco a navigare. Ho provato a spegnere e riaccendere tutto a ripristinare impostazioni e rete dall’ipad ma non cambia nulla.
Mettendo la scheda nell’ipad funziona, se attivo wifi però molte volte non naviga, spegnendolo riparte con la navigazione, perchè?? Mi potete gentilmente aiutare?
Dimenticavo…dopo averla messa nell’ipad è fatta funzionare, rimessa nella chiavetta e router molte volte poi per qualche gg ritorna a funzionare!

Se il problema lo fa anche con l’iPad dipende dalla 3 forse nella tua zona stanno facendo i lavori di ampliamento della rete.
Grazie innanzitutto dell’interessamento…
No, con la sched anell’IPAD funziona tutto correttamente, solo se inserita nel router… Credo sia qualche setting che dovrebbe essere cambiato perchè va in conflitto, qualcuno mi può aiutare?

Mettendo la scheda nell’ipad funziona, se attivo wifi però molte volte non naviga, spegnendolo riparte con la navigazione, perchè??
Scusami ma non capisco …
Mettendo la scheda nell’ipad funziona
se attivo wifi però molte volte non naviga
se la sim è nell’ipad è normale, il router non ha connessione internet perchè non c’è la sim
spegnendolo riparte con la navigazione, perchè??
Perchè riprende ad usare la sim… fammi capire hai due sim?
Copia e incolla qui il log del router quando si disconnette la chiavetta trovi tutto nel menu System Tools - System Log
Ho una sola sim e qUando questa è nell’ipad con wifi disinserito internet funziona, se attivo wifi e cerco comunque di navigare con la sim questa smette di funzionare! Dopo vari tentativi naviga con la scheda e con wifi attivo ( senza chiavetta). Quando questo succede significa che il conflitto è risolto e rimettendo sim nella chiavetta e poi router tutto torna a funzionare correttamente in wifi con chiavetta/ sim inseriti nel router. Il problema che poi funziona solo per uno/ due gg…
Ecco sistema logico con ipad connesso wifi ma con scheda sim nell’ ipad:

Auto Mail Feature:

Log Type: Log Level:
Index Time Type Level Log Content
16 1st day 00:00:31 DHCP INFO DHCPS:Send ACK to
15 1st day 00:00:31 DHCP INFO DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
14 1st day 00:00:30 DHCP INFO DHCPS:Send OFFER with ip
13 1st day 00:00:30 DHCP INFO DHCPS:Recv DISCOVER from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
12 1st day 00:00:30 DHCP INFO DHCPS:Send OFFER with ip
11 1st day 00:00:29 DHCP INFO DHCPS:Recv DISCOVER from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
10 1st day 00:00:13 SECURITY INFO SIP ALG enabled
9 1st day 00:00:13 SECURITY INFO RTSP ALG enabled
8 1st day 00:00:13 SECURITY INFO H323 ALG enabled
7 1st day 00:00:13 SECURITY INFO TFTP ALG enabled
6 1st day 00:00:13 SECURITY INFO FTP ALG enabled
5 1st day 00:00:12 SECURITY INFO IPSEC Passthrough enabled
4 1st day 00:00:12 SECURITY INFO L2TP Passthrough enabled
3 1st day 00:00:12 SECURITY INFO PPTP Passthrough enabled
2 1st day 00:00:12 DHCP NOTICE DHCP server started
1 1st day 00:00:06 OTHER INFO System started
Time = 2014-01-01 0:01:44 106s
H-Ver = MR3420 v2 00000000 : S-Ver = 3.14.9 Build 140319 Rel.38485n
L = : M =
3G/4G : 3G/4G = : M = : G =
Tutto questo per spiegare che non è tre che non prende perchè quando la sim è nell ipad tutto funziona alla perfezione. Il problema è quando la sim è nel router che non prende, sebbene l’ipad si connetta correttamente al router wifi ma i led su chiavetta sono spenti!
Ho una sola sim e qUando questa è nell’ipad con wifi disinserito internet funziona, se attivo wifi e cerco comunque di navigare con la sim questa smette di funzionare!
Ma è normale! I dispositivi mobili danno priorità alla connessione wireless, non capisco perchè attivi il wireless se il router è senza chiavetta.
L’ipad dopo un po’ si accorge che non c’è internet nella connessione wireless e passa alla 3G/4G
Ecco sistema logico con ipad connesso wifi ma con scheda sim nell’ ipad
Cosi non serve a niente, devi mettere sim e chiavetta nel router e poi copiare ed incollare il log con i tentativi di connessione o errori.
i led su chiavetta sono spenti!
Se sono spenti e nel log vedi che non viene rilevata è un problema hardware e devi contattare il negozio per la riparazione o sostituzione.
sicuro? mi pareva di ricordare che senza driver adatti (magari fw incompatibile che necessita di un fix) è possibile non si accenda alcun led…
Ok, dimentichiamoci il fatto che con la sim nell’ipad con il wifi acceso internet non funziona perchè dà priorità al wifi.
Rimane il fatto che con la sim inserita nell’ipad naviga, se la inserisco nella chiavetta e poi nel router, mi collego correttamente al router via wifi ma non a internet perchè la chiavetta non riceve (led spenti).
Proverò a mandare il log quando la sim è nella chiavetta, inserita nel router e collegato wifi, il problema è che non funziona e quindi non mi riesco a collegare!

Sono miracolosamente riuscito a collegarmi wifi con la sim nella chiavetta/router e quindi questo è il log richiesto una volta connesso. Dato che sono connesso e non so per quanto tempo funzionerà ditemi pure se volete che vi dica come sono spettati alcuni parametri sul router…
  Auto Mail Feature:	

  Log Type:   	  Log Level:   
Index	Time	Type	Level	Log Content
180	Jul 31 18:29:45	 PPP	INFO	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd
179	Jul 31 18:29:45	 PPP	INFO	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M
178	Jul 31 18:29:42	 PPP	INFO	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10
177	Jul 31 18:29:42	 PPP	INFO	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M
176	Jul 31 18:29:40	 DHCP	INFO	DHCPS:Send ACK to
175	Jul 31 18:29:40	 DHCP	INFO	DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
174	Jul 31 18:29:39	 DHCP	INFO	DHCPS:Send OFFER with ip
173	Jul 31 18:29:39	 DHCP	INFO	DHCPS:Recv DISCOVER from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
172	Jul 31 18:29:39	 DHCP	INFO	DHCPS:Send OFFER with ip
171	Jul 31 18:29:38	 DHCP	INFO	DHCPS:Recv DISCOVER from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
170	Jul 31 18:29:12	 PPP	INFO	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10
169	Jul 31 18:29:12	 PPP	INFO	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M
168	Jul 31 18:28:42	 PPP	INFO	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10
167	Jul 31 18:28:42	 PPP	INFO	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M
166	Jul 31 18:28:12	 PPP	INFO	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10
165	Jul 31 18:28:12	 PPP	INFO	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M
164	Jul 31 18:27:45	 3G/4G	INFO	Modem information is updated
163	Jul 31 18:27:45	 3G/4G	DEBUG	minfo->ISP is 0xa40000
162	Jul 31 18:27:45	 3G/4G	NOTICE	3G/4G connected
161	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x8
160	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x8, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M
159	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	 delete old gateway^M
158	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	 ipcp_up :ipv4 = 0, ipv6 = 0, ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route = 1^M
157	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	rcvd [IPCP Ack addr= dns1= dns3=]
156	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	sent [IPCP Req addr= dns1= dns3=]
155	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	rcvd [IPCP Nak addr= dns1= dns3=]
154	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	sent [IPCP Ack]
153	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	rcvd [IPCP Req]
152	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	sent [IPCP Req addr= dns1= dns3=]
151	Jul 31 18:27:45	 PPP	INFO	rcvd [IPCP Rej compress VJ 0f 01]
Time = 2014-07-31 18:30:12 630s
H-Ver = MR3420 v2 00000000 : S-Ver = 3.14.9 Build 140319 Rel.38485n
L = : M =
3G/4G : 3G/4G = : M = : G =
il log non è completo.
devi salvarlo in un file di testo (tasto save log), e poi postare il file 😉
Grazie della dritta 😉,eccolo:
# 			       TL-MR3420  System Log 
# Time = 2014-07-02 13:42:40 156177s
# H-Ver = MR3420 v2 00000000 : S-Ver = 3.14.9 Build 140319 Rel.38485n 
# L = : M =
# 3G/4G : 3G/4G = : M = : G =

Aug  2 13:09:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:10:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:10:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:10:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:10:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:11:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:11:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:11:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:11:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:11:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:11:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:12:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:12:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:12:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:12:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:13:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:13:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:13:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:13:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:13:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:13:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:14:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:14:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:14:18	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
Aug  2 13:14:18	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Send ACK to
Aug  2 13:14:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:14:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:15:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:15:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:15:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:15:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:15:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:15:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:16:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:16:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:16:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:16:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:17:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:17:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:17:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:17:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:17:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:17:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:18:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:18:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:18:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:18:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:19:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:19:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:19:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:19:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:19:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:19:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:20:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:20:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:20:32	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:20:32	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:21:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:21:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:21:02	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:21:02	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:21:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:21:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:22:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:22:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:22:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:22:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:23:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:23:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:23:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:23:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:23:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:23:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:24:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:24:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:24:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:24:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:25:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:25:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:25:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:25:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:25:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:25:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:26:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:26:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:26:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:26:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:27:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:27:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:27:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:27:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:27:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:27:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:28:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:28:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:28:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:28:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:29:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:29:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:29:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:29:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:29:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:29:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:30:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:30:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:30:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:30:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:31:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:31:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:31:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:31:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:31:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:31:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:32:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:32:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:32:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:32:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:33:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:33:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:33:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:33:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:33:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:33:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:34:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:34:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:34:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:34:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:35:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:35:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:35:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:35:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:35:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:35:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:36:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:36:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:36:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:36:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:36:57	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
Aug  2 13:36:57	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Send ACK to
Aug  2 13:37:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:37:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:37:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:37:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:37:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:37:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:38:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:38:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:38:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:38:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:39:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:39:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:39:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:39:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:39:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:39:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:40:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:40:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:40:33	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:40:33	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:41:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:41:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0xd 
Aug  2 13:41:03	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:41:03	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:41:34	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:41:34	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:42:04	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:42:04	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10 
Aug  2 13:42:34	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
Aug  2 13:42:34	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 756, set link phase is 0x10
Nel log non ci sono disconnessioni…
Se hai ancora problemi prova a spostare router + chiavetta e non usare prolunghe usb
Ho nuovamente problemi, non riesco più a collegarmi. La chiavetta inserita nel router continua a lampeggiare per cercare la linea ma senza risultato, questo il log con gli errori, vi prego aiutatemi

       TL-MR3420  System Log 
# Time = 2014-08-01 15:33:27 1852s
# H-Ver = MR3420 v2 00000000 : S-Ver = 3.14.9 Build 140319 Rel.38485n 
# L = : M =
# 3G/4G : 3G/4G = : M = : G =

1st day 00:20:17	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:20:17	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [IPCP Ack addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:20:17	 PPP       	INFO   	 ipcp_up :ipv4 = 0, ipv6 = 0, ipcp_wantoptions[0].default_route = 1^M 
1st day 00:20:17	 PPP       	INFO   	  delete old gateway^M 
1st day 00:20:17	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x8, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:20:17	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x8 
1st day 00:20:18	 3G/4G     	NOTICE 	3G/4G connected
1st day 00:20:18	 3G/4G     	DEBUG  	minfo->ISP is 0xa40000
1st day 00:20:18	 3G/4G     	INFO   	Modem information is updated 
1st day 00:20:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:20:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:21:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:21:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:21:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:21:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:22:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:22:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:22:17	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:22:17	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0xd 
1st day 00:22:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:22:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:23:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:23:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:23:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:23:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:24:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:24:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:24:17	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:24:17	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0xd 
1st day 00:24:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:24:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:25:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:25:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:25:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:25:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:26:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:26:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:26:17	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:26:17	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0xd 
1st day 00:26:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:26:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:26:58	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
1st day 00:26:58	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Send ACK to
1st day 00:26:58	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Recv REQUEST from 74:E2:F5:EF:61:6A
1st day 00:26:58	 DHCP      	INFO   	DHCPS:Send ACK to
1st day 00:27:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:27:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:27:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:27:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:28:15	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:28:15	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:28:17	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xd, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:28:17	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0xd 
1st day 00:28:21	 3G/4G     	WARNING	Ping DNS failed, timeout interval 60 seconds
1st day 00:28:35	 3G/4G     	WARNING	Detect DNS and NTP failed
1st day 00:28:45	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:28:45	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP TermReq]
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x7, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x7 
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	ERROR  	LCP down
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	WARNING	LCP down
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x4, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x4 
1st day 00:28:48	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP TermAck]
1st day 00:28:51	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xa, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:28:51	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0xa 
1st day 00:28:52	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:terminate: status == 0  
1st day 00:28:52	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x0, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:28:52	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x0 
1st day 00:29:10	 PPP       	NOTICE 	Standard authentication.
1st day 00:29:10	 3G/4G     	INFO   	Run 3G dial cmd: pppd 3g 1 /dev/ttyUSB3 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/c
1st day 00:29:11	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x2, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:11	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x2 
1st day 00:29:12	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : OK
1st day 00:29:12	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : OK
1st day 00:29:12	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : OK
1st day 00:29:12	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : CONNECT
1st day 00:29:12	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:terminate: status == 0  
1st day 00:29:12	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x4, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:12	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x4 
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x8f219f3b]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP Req asyncmap=0x0 auth=chap-MD5 magic=0x2bb488b pcomp accomp]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP Rej pcomp accomp]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP Ack mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x8f219f3b]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP Req asyncmap=0x0 auth=chap-MD5 magic=0x2bb488b]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP Ack asyncmap=0x0 auth=chap-MD5 magic=0x2bb488b]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP EchoReq magic=0x8f219f3b]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x5, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x5 
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP DiscReq magic=0x2bb488b]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [CHAP Challenge (c8e0ba6a36a1fb12f6e914466c390c07), name = "UMTS_CHAP_SRVR"]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [CHAP Response (5f6b213c8cfc3e66c6d438b2a952ef3c), name = ""]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP EchoRep magic=0x2bb488b]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [CHAP Success ""]
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x7, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x7 
1st day 00:29:13	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:16	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:19	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:22	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:25	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:28	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:31	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:34	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:37	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:40	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP EchoReq magic=0x8f219f3b]
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	ERROR  	No network protocols running
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x9, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x9 
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	ERROR  	LCP down
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	WARNING	LCP down
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x4, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x4 
1st day 00:29:43	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP TermReq]
1st day 00:29:46	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP TermReq]
1st day 00:29:49	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xa, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:49	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0xa 
1st day 00:29:49	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:terminate: status == 0  
1st day 00:29:49	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x0, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:29:49	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x0 
1st day 00:30:08	 PPP       	NOTICE 	Standard authentication.
1st day 00:30:08	 3G/4G     	INFO   	Run 3G dial cmd: pppd 3g 1 /dev/ttyUSB3 115200 connect "chat -s -v -f /etc/ppp/c
1st day 00:30:08	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x2, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:08	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x2 
1st day 00:30:09	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : OK
1st day 00:30:09	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : OK
1st day 00:30:10	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : OK
1st day 00:30:10	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:get_string : CONNECT
1st day 00:30:10	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:terminate: status == 0  
1st day 00:30:10	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x4, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:10	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x4 
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP Req mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x414e7b0d]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP Req asyncmap=0x0 auth=chap-MD5 magic=0x2bc2917 pcomp accomp]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP Rej pcomp accomp]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP Ack mru=1480 asyncmap=0x0 magic=0x414e7b0d]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP Req asyncmap=0x0 auth=chap-MD5 magic=0x2bc2917]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP Ack asyncmap=0x0 auth=chap-MD5 magic=0x2bc2917]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP EchoReq magic=0x414e7b0d]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x5, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x5 
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP DiscReq magic=0x2bc2917]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [CHAP Challenge (10e58db388d9b9289a8478c1b0fd49cf), name = "UMTS_CHAP_SRVR"]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [CHAP Response (90b028fcdc6048e1cca8271a14a70403), name = ""]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [LCP EchoRep magic=0x2bc2917]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x10, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x10 
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	rcvd [CHAP Success ""]
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x7, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x7 
1st day 00:30:11	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:14	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:17	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:20	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:23	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:26	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:29	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:32	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:35	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:38	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [IPCP Req compress VJ 0f 01 addr= dns1= dns3=]
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP EchoReq magic=0x414e7b0d]
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	ERROR  	No network protocols running
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x9, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x9 
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	ERROR  	LCP down
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	WARNING	LCP down
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x4, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x4 
1st day 00:30:41	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP TermReq]
1st day 00:30:44	 PPP       	INFO   	sent [LCP TermReq]
1st day 00:30:47	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0xa, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:47	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0xa 
1st day 00:30:47	 PPP       	INFO   	chat:terminate: status == 0  
1st day 00:30:47	 PPP       	INFO   	send_phase 2091 pppd_phase = 0x0, ipv6 = 0, ipv4 = 0^M 
1st day 00:30:47	 PPP       	INFO   	In pppd the httpd-id is 765, set link phase is 0x0
Ciao, sembra un problema di H3G… cambia la posizione del router
Ho provato ma nulla, addirittura da ieri la chiavetta lampeggia sempre rosso, non più verde. Collegandomi al router nello stato mi dice che la chiavetta è stata riconosciuta ma “connecting” lampeggiando di rosso.
La sim nell’ipad funziona sempre correttamente!
Con il pc funziona?
No, nemmeno con il pc. Si collegano al wifi ma la chiavetta continua a lampeggiare rosso facendo “connecting” ma non si collega ad internet.
Alto Basso